Saturday, 6 October 2012

Use real Table ware

Dont know if this is true but...... experts recommend using real table ware & cultery (the more expensive & more elaborate the better!!!! ) as it'll make you feel like you have eaten a full meal. In that way, you might snack less at other times!

Studies have shown that people who ate from paper plates with plastic utensils tend to view their meal as just a snack. And although they might consume less calories from the "real plate" group, they tend to eat another meal later. And this adds up!!!

The environment does influence how much we eat. This brings to mind airline meals. Dont you always go some where for food after landing. Like after a flight even though you have just eaten onboard? Cant speak for the rest, but I do, I always feel like having a good meal after!!!!! Hmmm... dangerous!!!

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