Friday 14 September 2012

How to overcome food craving?

Hmmm... that's a million dollar question isnt it? I think all of us need a realistic flexible eating plan.
Many people 'starve " or eat too little & go into defensive mode when cravings strike. Then they cheat.... feel guilty, resist ....cheat some more , feel even worse. It's a desperate cycle.

Some experts said it's best to wait it out. Why? Because according to them most cravings pass within 20 mins since it's psychological!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

What could hinder weight loss?

Interestingly counting calories , tracking them in a diary may induce stress, thus hindering weight loss. In some studies it's reported dietors who cut calories saw their levels of cortisol, a stress hormone linked to weight gain increase.

And those who kept journals reported feeling stress (resisting temptation can be stressful). Suggestion is to concentrate on excerise plan & food choices & not counting calories.